Friday, 2 January 2009

Window ONE Fitted and Working well

So the first window is fitted and working nicely. A few glitches and mistakes along the way, all part of the learning process. I'm chuffed with the result and so is Wendy.

Apart from top of the outside lining being too close to the brick arch. I think the proportion work well.

Inside it looks great and the double glazing doesn't distract at all.

I'll be re-working some of the design details with the benefit of hindsight. I'll also be monitoring the performance of this one for few months to see if there s anything else that can be tweaked.

My intention is then to detail the design and plans fully. Check everything by building the others. Then if all goes well making the plans available to purchase as an e-book or what ever they are called.

If anyone is interested email me or leave a comment any feedback will be gratefully received.


Anonymous said...

Hi Andy,

Just picked up your blog, fantastic project. I've been looking into something similar longer term, but short term I'm just looking at making a new top and bottom sash or replacement parts. Thanks for your efforts, they are much appreciated.


Rob Tuplin

Andy iDoStuff said...

Hi Rob,
Glad you have found it useful and good luck with your replacements.


Tony said...

Thanks Andy, excellent work and writing up.

I've done a bit of this sort of thing, but I need to do a lot more - thanks for the inspiration!

Andy iDoStuff said...

Hi Tony,
Thanks for your comments, it great to know that the time I've put in to the blog is appreciated.
Let me know what the inspiration leads to.


double glazing said...

Well, you've made a nice window after all. I commend you for your effort in finishing that task. It is eye-catching in a way. Your home will be brighter as you open this new sliding windows of yours.

Tryhard. said...

Hiya i am very interested in making some sash windows, did you ever do a step by step guide or an e book? And could you please privide a link to them. Thank you Michelle.

Tony said...

Good luck Michelle!
I'm afraid I don't know of such a guide, but blogs like Andy's, and anything you can find by googling, will help.
Which sources are best depends a lot on how much you already know.
Sliding sashes are beautiful things.