Monday, 20 October 2008

Cill- Profile cutting, the best way I could come up with

I spent ages thinking how I could easily and acurately machine the the slope required on the cill. (Thanks for the suggestions folks).

I ended up making a simple surfacing table to use with the router. This has two rails bolted to the router table top to guide the router that sits in a cradle. I used it first flat, to get rid of bit of a twist in the cill then added a batton to one of rails to give me slope.

The cradle is simple enough but took a bit of thinking through to get fence to work.

Next time I'll take a most of the material off with a rough cut first. As I went deeper it got a bit heavy going and took a lot small cuts.

The result was good with only a few slight tramlines, I've improve the router to cradle clamp to hopefully eliminate this next time.

Just for the record the timber is held with a screw at each end clamping it down on to wedges.

1 comment:

Kerf said...

Nice work, it looks good.