Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Tooling Up - New Toys

With a potential massive cost saving I had no problems getting authorisation from Wendy (the Missus) to purchase some new toys for the workshop.

Bench saw

From Screwfix, "Wood Star" not an expensive one as a result I've had to do some tweaking to get it running smooth and true. I've bought a decent blade for it and it's working well enough although a bit fiddly to set to accurately.

Planer Thicknesser

From Screwfix. It's another Wood Star product but with a much better build quality than the Bench Saw. The side fence for planing however isn't very accurate so I now clamp a hardwood block to the table. The in-feed part of the table doesn't sit true and I have to tap it in to the correct alignment. After some practicing I can now dimension wood accurately and square.

Router table and Router

This was the most expensive purchase (from Screwfix again Record Power) and works well. However I'm surprised the back fence isn't easier to adjust accurately. The Router extension that came with it also seems to be out of balance at high speeds. To go with the table I splashed out on a Trend half inch Router, which so far seems to be excellent.

To fnissh tooling up I bought a morticing machine on offer at the time from screwfix.

I knocked up a dust extractor to go with these and now have all the tools I need. These tools have already been put to good use making the spiral stairs for the loft conversion.


gavin said...

had the same problems with a table I bought several years ago seems like the same machine rebranded

Andy iDoStuff said...

With hindsight I'd have picked something else, but I'm stuck with it now and it was relativly cheap.