Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Now ready for assembly check

With the parts cut and drilled its all ready for an assembly check.

I screwed blocks on cill to make sure the pulley stiles where square before pilot drilling. These will be removed before gluing.

I used 3" No. 8 for the outside and inside lining and 4" N0 10's for the pulley stiles. Pilot drilled for the full screw length, going in to end grain I didn't want anything splitting.

The top rail fitted nicely, just pulling a bit twist in pulley stile back in to shape.

With this fitted I could mark up and cut the top linings.

The top linings are fitted with blocks, crude but effective.

I glued and screwed the blocks on, after marking up on the frame. I used a rule to make sure they where on straight.

So that's it (ish) for the frame. Picture to follow....

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